Parents Opening Doors (PODs) applied to Energize for funds from the Sport England Tackling Inequalities Fund. 

Three ladies smiling

Recently Jake from Team Energize met with the organisers and some families involved with PODs. 

Here is what they had to say...

How did you first hear about the Tackling Inequalities Fund?

I saw an advert from Telford & Wrekin Council


What was first involvement?

I rang and spoke to someone to ensure we qualified before applying.


What did you apply for?

Sports equipment, PPE and a Gazebo so we could provide activities to our members.


What was the process?

We filled out an application form and provided copies of any requested documents.


How was process for you? 

The process was pretty straight forward and everyone was very helpful


What funds did you receive?



What are they being used for?

Providing sports equipment enabling us to bring isolated families together in a safe environment whilst also getting in some exercise.


Which groups will benefit? 

Disabled children and their families including siblings, about 100 have benefited so far.

Children playing

What has the impact been so far? 

For many of the families that have attended our events so far, this has been one of the first times they have been out since the first restrictions were relaxed. We feel honoured that they felt welcome and safe enough to come along and participate. They all expressed how happy they were to be back around friendly supportive faces. Feedback was really positive with all families stating how well we had thought things out and the safety measures we had in place. They felt that the end to their isolation from the world around them was coming to an end and that they could start venturing out again, thanks to our events. Lots of fun was had and many children tried sports that they hadn’t done before. * 

"We had many children that normally struggle to take part but with the correct support in place were able to be part of the event"


What impact can this bring in the future?

Friendships have been made and many kids are starting to re-engage, many have tried new sports and are enjoying being active again


What challenges have you faced?

The weather and local restrictions


What are you excited about?

Being able to deliver more sessions and gaining interest and engagement from the children


3 words to describe your experience with this project

Reduced isolation, Engagement, Gratitude

* This case study was written before the 2nd lockdown in England from 2nd November

If you are interested in finding out if you could be eligible for Tackling Inequalities Funds, please do contact us...

[email protected]