Our #ActiveFamiliesSTW resources offer lots of ideas to keep your family active - indoors at home, in your garden or any local outdoor space available. 

But WHY should we all try and be more active?

HOW will my family benefit?

As well as improving physical health, spending time being active together as a family can help to:

  • Strengthen relationships and reduce conflict
  • Improve children's behaviour
  • Improve concentration and focus and even improve results at school
  • Calm children down 

HOW should I use the activities?

  • Build physical activity into your daily routine - find a time that suits you all and commit to being active with them
  • Involve your children in choosing the activities
  • Make the activities fun and challenging - see if your children can improve each time they try an activity
  • Why not try a yoga video or mindfulness activity when you need a quiet 5 minutes or maybe before bedtime?

For families with pre-school children

From balloon games and catching scarves to crab capers, lots of fun for everyone.

Click here to download your own copy to keep.


For families with primary age children 

Whether your children fancy being a Spring spotter, creating a mindfulness jar or playing some garden games, #ActiveFamiliesSTW has plenty to appeal to everyone.

Click here to download your own copy to keep


For families with secondary age children 

Whether your kids fancy trying a Commonwealth fitness challenge, wellbeing bingo or a spot of guided meditation, #ActiveFamiliesSTW has plenty to appeal to older children to keep them active and happy.

Click here to download your own copy to keep