Green Social prescribing logo lock up

We are so excited to announce we are entering our second phase of a Green Social Prescribing partnership, receiving funding from UK Shared Prosperity Fund for our Green Spaces Project until March 2025 across the Shropshire Local Authority area. 

Following a successful two year engagement (phase 1) of the Green Social Prescribing project from 2021 to 2023, the next phase (taking us to 2025) aims to see a growth in the evidence base, investment and support for the green activity providers across Shropshire. New to this phase is a collaboration with Shropshire VCS along with the continuation of our thriving partnership with Shropshire Wildlife Trust. 

The project has several aims:

  • Help build capacity through local partnerships with green activity providers and the health and social care system where local people have a continuous journey to green and blue spaces to improve physical health, mental health and wellbeing.

  • Develop and grow existing infrastructure for green activities, through engagement and improvement to local community assets.

  • Empowering a network of Green Buddies which will become befrienders for those needing support to take their first steps into community activity.

  • Support local groups that deliver green activities to be more resilient and inclusive and to meet any identified gaps in local provision - including attracting investment for capital improvements utilising the partnership with Crowdfund Shropshire.

Jessica Bradbury, Head of Operations for Energize Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, said: 

“We are really excited to be exploring the next phase of Green Social Prescribing in Shropshire, expanding its reach to provide more support to volunteers and community organisations."

"Our new partnership with Shropshire VCS through their Crowdfund platform will provide much needed investment into Green Spaces across Shropshire, increasing accessibility and awareness of local green activities for people in their communities, with the ambition of reducing pressures on the health system.” 

What is social prescribing?

What is social prescribing? Why is it important and how can it help us? - we love this video from the National Academy for Social Prescribing.

Some of our Phase 1 work

We created a guide named Let's Go Outside showcasing local green spaces to encourage people to spend more time outdoors experiencing natural environments to benefit their physical and mental health. 

9 locations were chosen across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin to make up the guides, which contain maps, photos and waymarked trails. Each location has a free downloadable route, instructions on how to get there, accessibility information, and details of what you can see and do.  

The guides have been designed for everyone; from those taking their first steps to get out in nature, to social prescribers based in GP surgeries across the County who want to help provide their patients with options to access free local green spaces 

The 9 locations are available here on the Shropshire Wildlife Trust website.

Our guidance document for activity providers interested in becoming a place for people to be socially prescribed to. 

A flyer for Social Prescribers and Healthy Lives Advisors in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin to help inform patients about the physical and mental health benefits of being outside in nature.

Photos of four locations featured in the new Green Social Prescribing guide

Case studies

Feed the Birds is a wonderful project from Shropshire Wildlife Trust, take a look here:

Read about how one man changed his life through cycling and walking

The success of a local ladies walking group

And read about ladies learning to cycle

We need your help

Talk to your community, find out what motivates people to go outside and what stops people from using our green spaces and share with us any ideas or suggestions to encourage people to use the green space and activities.

We would really welcome input from individuals, groups or organisations across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.

Please contact Jessica Bradbury