Actio is a partnership of Energize and PACC (Shropshire’s Parent Carer Forum).

We help to improve and develop the activity opportunities offer within Shropshire for children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their families.

As a partnership, our aim is to improve the range, quality, and access to activities to help children and young people with SEND thrive in Shropshire. We want to see an offer that supports children and young people to develop their social skills, physical health, and work towards their individual identified outcomes. 

The Actio Partnership strives to deliver a joined-up programme of quality activity and support for children and young people with SEND and their families, building a sense of community and achievement. Actio is responsible for commissioning, promoting, and monitoring Shropshire Council's 'All In Short Breaks' activities and will work with children and young people up to aged 18, and their families, to ensure the programme responds positively to feedback and comment. 

Watch our video to find out more about the activities on offer and the benefits being experienced by young people and their Parent Carers. 

If you have any questions or would like further information about Actio, please visit or email [email protected]