How active / able do I need to be? Am I suitable? We are funded to work with people over 60 to improve strength, balance and coordination. The classes can be delivered in both a seated and standing position. We aim to progress you through the weeks and start off with a few simple practical assessments so that we can ensure the class is delivered at the right pace for you. Inclusion criteria You should answer ‘yes’ to the following. Are you: Able to understand instruction and communication? Able to travel to take part in activity in the community? Able to take part in seated and standing activity without 121 support? The classes are designed to be delivered in a group setting and whilst we understand participants may have a variety of needs, if you are deemed as needing more 121 support due to an advanced condition e.g. dementia, unfortunately these classes are not appropriate for you. This decision will be made by the instructor. If we are aware of a more suitable service, we will signpost you accordingly (with your permission). For those who are fortunate enough to be deemed too able / active to benefit from the sessions, we will do our best to identify alternative opportunities to attend. We are in the process of creating a list of activities across Shropshire, and there are other organisations locally who can help. Manage Cookie Preferences