Active Lives Children & Young People Survey 

Academic Year 2020/21 

This update relates to Sport England's fourth annual Active Lives Children and Young People Survey report, summarising the activity levels of 5 to 16-year-olds in England during the academic year 2020-21.

Covering September 2020 to July 2021, this year’s report contains the continued disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic. This included increasing restrictions impacting indoor activity and organised outdoor activities during the autumn term, and then national lock down during the spring term.

Here are some highlights including data relating specifically to Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin...

Nationally, the percentage of active children (ie. those who do more than 60 minutes of activity per day) remains unchanged versus last year but is down 2.2% versus pre-pandemic levels (2018-19)


In Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin the percentage is +4.6% versus last year and +1.3% versus pre-pandemic levels (2018-19). The percentage of children who are less active (ie. those who do less than 30 minutes of activity per day) is also a lot lower in our County than national average. 


Nationally, for the first time since the survey began, girls’ activity levels are the same as boys 



Sadly, also at a national level, less children enjoy sport and being active (-2.7%) and loneliness has increased with more than one in ten young people (years 7 – 11) report feeling lonely often or always 


To read the survey in full, please click on this here