News Stories Boxing their way to success Keen to target their Pupil Premium, English as a Foreign Language (EAL) and Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) students, Charlton School adapted their fitness timetable to offer a greater range and variety of activities before and after school. By setting up a whole school registering system, they are able to track student participation in extra-curricular activities and target less active students. They decided to use some of their Opening Schools Facilities Funds to bring in instructors from Bright Star Boxing Academy to run an after school club targeting Pupil Premium and other students with behavioural concerns. One year 11 pupil, Alex - an EAL and Pupil Premium student, told us: "As I began to understand and speak more English, I decided to make new friends in the extra-curricular activities - I signed up for football and boxing because it was interesting to me. I play for the A Team now - I have loved all the fitness and sports clubs." A total of 120 students were supported - 21% of those being Pupil Premium pupils. The clubs have proved successful not only in improving pupils' fitness but also their confidence and social skills and will continue for the rest of the academic year. "I have now joined a boxing club outside of school and play for a Sunday league team." Manage Cookie Preferences