Active learning is about incorporating activity into all elements of the school day - not just physical education lessons. Explore ways to make your curriculum more active or introduce active bursts to keep your children engaged!

Why is it important?

Building physical activity into lessons can have huge benefits. In addition to improving physical activity, it can improve focus, attitude, attainment and behaviour in the classroom.

Benefits include:

  • Children being ready to learn
  • Improving concentration on subjects
  • Better engagement in the classroom
  • Providing a break from learning
  • Enhancing physical and mental well-being
  • Building friendship
  • Improving classroom behaviour

All of the above have a direct impact on children's confidence and self-esteem. Start with short regular active bursts in lessons or try incorporating activity into curriculum areas such as maths.

Active Learning Free Resources

Active Learning starts the moment a child enters the school building.  From active registration with initiatives such as The Daily Mile, through to building in active bursts in every lesson, there are endless opportunities to get children and moving and meeting their target of 30 minutes physical activity at school per day.

There are numerous free resources which will help inspire you and promote active learning in classrooms:

Invest in Active Learning 

Furthermore, there are additional resources which can be purchased using PE premium funding to help promote Active Learning:

Case Studies

If you are looking for evidence of how beneficial Active Learning can be, take a look at the case studies below:

For more information

Please contact:

Claire Mansfield